The Lost Estate Educational Series
Welcome to "The Lost Estate: Building Legacies Through Financial Literacy," a groundbreaking podcast series dedicated to empowering African American and Hispanic communities with the knowledge and tools necessary for effective estate planning and generational wealth creation. Hosted by Jermaine E. Whiteside, author, and visionary behind The Lost Estate Educational Series, this podcast deepens into the often-overlooked aspects of financial planning, offering actionable insights and expert advice to secure your financial future.
The Lost Estate Educational Series
Week 1 "Imago Dei and Financial Stewardship: Aligning Money Management with Divine Principles"
In this compelling episode of 'The Lost Estate Educational Series,' host Jermaine Whiteside delves into the concept of Imago Dei, or the Image of God, and its profound implications for financial stewardship. Joined by esteemed guests John Lewis from American Capital Funds Group LLC, Don Johnson of JLH Investments LLC, and Thomas Clark from Thomas Clark Group LLC, the discussion explores how our divine likeness influences ethical financial decisions. Tune in as they share invaluable insights on conducting business with integrity, the critical importance of estate planning, and the spiritual responsibility of leaving a generational legacy. Whether navigating personal finances or professional practices, this episode provides practical wisdom for aligning your financial actions with biblical principles, encouraging listeners to manage their resources to honor God and benefit the community. Join us to better understand how spirituality intersects with financial responsibilities, shaping a legacy that lasts.
The Lost Estate Educational Series is proud to be supported by two distinguished organizations committed to social impact and community empowerment: Anointed Connect Church Inc. and EWTECHNERD LLC. Produced by Jermaine E. Whiteside. You can follow Jermaine E. Whiteside and find more resources on his Linktree page.
For those interested in delving deeper into the topic, you can purchase the English digital copy of "The Lost Estate: A Comprehensive Guide to Estate Planning for African American and Hispanic Communities" by visiting EWTECHEDU.
We invite you to explore The Lost Estate Case Studies on Amazon Vella for practical examples and valuable lessons. You can access them through Amazon Vella.
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This project is a powerful collaboration to provide education and valuable resources for estate planning and financial empowerment within our communities. We thank all our partners and you, our audience, for joining u...
Welcome to this special edition of the Lost Estate series podcast. Today we dive into the profound topic of Imago Dei, or the image of God, and its implications for financial stewardship. I am joined by John Lewis, the Director of American Capital Funds Group, LLC, Don Johnson, a Minister and Insurance Broker for JLH Investments, LLC, and Thomas Clark from Thomas Clark Group, LLC, who bring a personal perspective to our discussion. Let's explore how divine nature influences our financial decisions. Understand. Understanding Imago Dei. John, can you start off by explaining what it means to be created in the image of God, particularly in how we handle our finances? Certainly, Jermaine. Being created in God's image imparts us characteristics like justice, mercy, and generosity. These traits should guide our financial decisions, ensuring that they are ethical and contribute positively to the welfare of our community. The ethical implications and financial decisions, John, considering these ethical implications, how do they manifest in practical terms, especially in your field in insurance and financial services? Yes, now in our industry, ethics are fundamental. Reflecting God's image in this context means conducting business with honesty and integrity. Now, ensuring transparency and prioritizing our clients' welfare, which builds lasting relationships and trust and serves the community's best interests. As we look at the challenges of selling an estate, Thomas, you recently experienced the challenge of executing your mother's estate without a will. Could you share that experience for our listeners? Sure, Mr. Whiteside. Now, this process was incredibly challenging, time-consuming, expensive, and complicated. It took three years to settle, largely due to the absence of a will. Now, when there is no will, when a person dies without a will, they are said to have died intestate. And what happens then is the state law takes over and comes into play. And this prolonged legal proceedings is strenuous on the relationships with the family. You have to navigate through all kinds of disputes. It's expensive and complicated. This experience showed me just how important it is to have a well-planned state of planning, estate planning. Mm. Mm. Mm. Now, that was challenging. As we look to leaving a legacy, John, from a biblical perspective, how important is it to leave an inheritance, and how does this align with our being made in God's image? Well, scripturally, leaving an inheritance is profound. Proverbs 13 and 22 underscores the importance of generational foresight. This directive is a call to be deliberate. In our planning, reflecting God's generational provision for us, and ensuring our legacy supports future generations. Mm. Well, as we come to a conclusion of today's podcast, today's discussion has shed light on how closely intertwined our financial decisions are with our spiritual convictions. Thank you, John, Don, and Thomas, for your insights. To our audience, we hope this episode has been helpful. I hope this episode inspires you to reflect on how you can honor God in your financial decisions. Thank you for tuning in to the Lost Estate Educational Series. For more insight and resources, please visit our website and subscribe to our podcast at www.thelostestate.org. Until next time, stay blessed and be wise stewards of the resources God has entrusted.